Section 1.
2-1. Scope
This chapter provides a general description and
identification of the M9 ACE (fig 2l), as well as
tabulated transportability characteristics that are
necessary in movement of the item.
2-2. Description
a. General. The M9 ACE tractor is a full-tracked
(hard rubber), armored amphibious, multipurpose
combat engineer vehicle capable of performing tilt
and straight dozing, scraping, rough grading, and
hauling. The tractor features a front-loaded
operated apron, and positive-load ejector. Dozing
and scraping are accomplished by raising and
lowering the entire front of the vehicle by means
of the hydropneumatic suspension system. This
dozer/scraper tractor is powered by a 295-
horsepower diesel engine. The M9 ACE has six
forward and two reverse gears and is operated
only by the driver.
2-3. Transportability Drawings
Detailed side- and end-view transportability draw-
ings of the M9 ACE, with dimensions and tiedown
and lift provision load-rating capacities, are shown
scraper bowl (ballast compartment), hydraulically
in figures 22 through 24.
Figure 21. Armored Combat Earthmover, M9.